796 research outputs found

    Inversió en equips mediambientals per a la gestió d'aigües en el sector agroalimentari

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    Les activitats productives realitzades per les empreses podrien comportar, en algun cas, una degradació del medi ambient i una disminució de la seva qualitat. Per això és important el fet d'aconseguir una minimització de l'impacte mediambiental, així com la seva protecció i millora. L'objectiu d'aquest treball és analitzar les inversions realitzades per les empreses del sector de la indústria agroalimentària en equips per a la gestió de les aigües. En ell, s'analitzen les dues classes d'equips existents: els independents destinats al tractament de les aigües residuals i els integrats per a la prevenció, l'estalvi i la reutilització de l'aigua. Els materials utilitzats es fonamenten en l'Enquesta de les empreses en protecció ambiental que publica l'Institut Nacional d'Estadística. La metodologia utilitzada es correspon amb una anàlisi estadística. S'usen diferents indicadors comptables relacionats amb les empreses. Les dades obtingudes es tracten amb tècniques d'anàlisi financera.The productive activities realized by the companies could comport in some case a degradation of the environmental and a decrease of his quality. Thus, is important to attain a minimization of the environmental impact, like this like his protection and improvement. The aim of this work is to analyse the investments realized by the companies of the sector of the industry agro food, in teams for the management of the waters. In him, analyse the two kinds of existent teams: the independent destined to the treatment of the residual waters and the integrated for the prevention, the saving and the reuse of the water. The materials used fundamentan in the Survey of the companies of environmental protection that publishes the National Institute of Statistical. The methodology used corresponds with a statistical analysis. They use, to his time, different indicator’s countable related with the companies. The data obtained treat with technicians of financial analysis

    Estratègies financeres de la indústria agroalimentària a Catalunya

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    La indústria agroalimentària (IAA) a Catalunya es caracteritza durant els últims anys per un creixement continuat en les seves vendes, fonamentalment impulsat per la gran evolució del sector de la segona transformació i pel sector carni dintre de la primera transformació. El conjunt de les indústries agroalimentàries presenta un teixit empresarial molt atomitzat i una gran concentració pel que fa als seus ingressos d'explotació. Davant d'aquesta situació, s'ha volgut analitzar quines han estat algunes de les estratègies i polítiques financeres aplicades al llarg dels darrers anys per les empreses de la segona transformació respecte al seu finançament i determinar la seva capacitat per afrontar els canvis futurs i ser-ne el motor. L'estudi s'ha realitzat sota el denominat model d'estats financers i ha centrat la reflexió en dos aspectes: l'anàlisi comptable i la seva repercussió financera.The Agrifood Industry (IAA) in Catalonia has been characterized during the last years by a continued growth in its sales, mainly promoted by the great evolution of the Second Transformation sector and by the meat sector inside of the First Transformation sector. The set of the Agro-alimentary Industries, presents an group of firms atomized and a great concentration business activity. Due to this situation its was necessary to analyze which had been the strategies and financial policies applied during the last years by the companies of the Second Transformation sector in their financing, according to their capacity to afford and to be the motor of the future changes. The study has been made under the denominated model of financial statements, focusing the reflection under two aspects: countable analysis and their financial impact.La industria agroalimentaria (IAA) en Cataluña se caracteriza durante los últimos años por un crecimiento continuado en sus ventas, fundamentalmente impulsado por la gran evolución del sector de la segunda transformación y por el sector cárnico dentro de la primera transformación. El conjunto de las industrias agroalimentarias presenta un tejido empresarial muy atomizado y una gran concentración por lo referente a sus ingresos de explotación. Ante esta situación, se ha querido analizar cuáles han sido algunas de las estrategias y políticas financieras aplicadas a lo largo de los últimos años por las empresas de la segunda transformación respecto a su financiación y determinar su capacidad para afrontar y ser el motor de los futuros cambios. El estudio se ha realizado bajo el denominado modelo de estados financieros y ha centrado la reflexión en dos aspectos: el análisis contable y su repercusión financiera

    An overview of ecopreneurship, eco-innovation, and the ecological sector

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    Given the current trend toward a more sustainable and environmentally-friendly economy, the overlap between entrepreneurship and sustainability has become a key research area. Part of this trend is the emergence of ecopreneurial businesses. These businesses are pioneers in using innovation to achieve sustainable growth by exploiting market opportunities. This article presents an overview of the concepts of ecopreneurship, eco-innovation, and the ecological sector. A rigorous review of the literature in this area is presented. The results of this review show the key values and principles that are central to this new stream of research and shed light on opportunities for further research. The primary conclusion is that there is a need for collective collaboration between ecopreneurs, consumers, and producers to achieve long-term sustainability

    A regression discontinuity evaluation of the policy effects of environmental regulations

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    A regression discontinuity design was applied to measure the short- and long-term policy effects of the air quality improvement plan implemented for the G20 Hangzhou summit. The analysis considered the effects across 11 prefecture-level cities in Zhejiang, China. Five meteorological indicators (temperature, humidity, pressure, wind speed and rainfall) were employed as control variables. Using these control variables, the short- and long-term policy effects were measured in terms of the changes in the air quality index (AQI) and pollutant concentrations (PM2.5, PM10, CO, SO2, NO2 and O3) 1 year and 2.5 years after policy implementation. The results reveal significant short- and long-term effects of the environmental plan on air quality improvement in cities in Zhejiang. The policy effects of the plan for the G20 summit were stronger in Hangzhou than in other prefecture-level cities. In Hangzhou, the short-term policy effects were stronger than the long-term effects, especially in terms of the decreasing AQI, PM2.5 and PM10 levels. Similar regulations should continue to be implemented for lasting improvements in regional air qualit

    OTRS: a tool for telematic questions management

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    Comunicación presentada en la II Erasmus Staff Training Week celebrada en la Universidad Aix-Marseille entre los días 20 - 24 de junio 202

    El proceso de interlengua en el aprendizaje del inglés como lengua extranjera en edades tempranas

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    [Resumen] El objetivo de este estudio es determinar las diferencias fundamentales que exis- ten en el proceso de adquisición / aprendizaje de la lengua inglesa entre niños nativos y aprendices de inglés como lengua extranjera. Ceñiremos nuestro estu- dio al período que abarca de los tres a los ocho años de edad, por ser esta la etapa que se corresponde con la Educación Infantil y Primaria. Se abordarán algunos aspectos relacionados con la adquisición de la primera lengua para, pos- teriormente, adentramos en el proceso de elaboración de la interlengua, en el análisis de errores y, sobre todo, en el aprendizaje de la lengua inglesa en con- textos de lenguas extranjeras. Concluiremos nuestro estudio estableciendo una comparación entre los procesos de adquisición y aprendizaje del inglés como primera lengua y como lengua extranjera.[Abstract] The aim of this article is to determine the fundamental differences that exist in the process of leaming/acquisition of English as a mother tongue and as a foreign language in the early years. The study focuses on children form three to eight years old, as this is the period which corresponds to the Infant and Primary schoollevel of Education. Firstly we shall address aspects relating to first lan- guage acquisition, and then briefiy mention the developmental process of inter- language and error analysis. This is followed by oUT study of the leaming pro- cess of English in the foreign language context. We conclude OUT study by esta- blishing a comparison between the process of leaming / acquisition of English as a mother tongue and as a foreign language

    Nonstandard finite difference schemes for general linear delay differential systems

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    This paper deals with the construction of non‐standard finite difference methods for coupled linear delay differential systems in the general case of non‐commuting matrix coefficients. Based on an expression for the exact solution of the continuous initial value vector delay problem, a family of non‐standard numerical methods of increasing orders is defined. Numerical examples show that the new proposed numerical methods preserve the stability properties of the exact solutions. This work extends previous results for delay systems with commuting matrix coefficients, allowing the use of the new numerical non‐standard methods in more general problems.M.A.C. and F.R. acknowledge funding by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad grant number CGL2017-89804-R

    Human development and knowledge management: A fresh look

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    ABSTRACT: This paper presents a new approach to knowledge management and shows a relationship between human development and knowledge management in different countries. This study demonstrates the idea that the growth of countries depends on how each one manages their knowledge; investing in research and development, improving their production function and obtaining a welfare state which allows people to develop better their human capabilities. Our study includes an analysis of different organizations of countries: European Union, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), G-20, Cairns, Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), Mercosur, BRIC and Next-11 (N-11). We identified five factors in the study using a rotated component matrix, which explained more than the 69.85% of the data: (1) knowledge creation potential; (2) ICT productivity; (3) knowledge internationalization; (4) research results and (5) education motorway. This paper provides an interesting focus on knowledge management and human development and our results show important links between countries which manage their knowledge correctly and efficiently and their level of human development. In consequence, countries that correctly manage their knowledge present a high human development level